Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Common sense truck control

Manhattan Infidel feels obliged to figure out the solution to terrorist atrocities such as the recent one in Nice, France.
When the images of the carnage in Nice, France first arrived at the Worldwide Headquarters of Manhattan Infidel™ once again we were forced to ask ourselves this question: How can this be prevented? How long must the world suffer through events like this?

The answer is obvious.

We need common sense truck control!

The culprit in Nice, France used an assault truck. This assault truck was apparently so easy to buy that there wasn’t even a waiting period. Reports say it is easier to buy an assault truck than it is to go to the library and get a book.

There were no background checks.

There wasn’t a “no-drive” list which would have prevented this attack.

Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel was not required to keep the key to his truck locked in a separate location.

There was no nationwide database of criminals that would have prevented him from buying his truck.

Indeed, while the motives for the attack may never be known, Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel did have run-ins with the law and had a criminal conviction for road rage. If there had been a nationwide database perhaps he would not have been able to buy his truck and those 84 who died would be alive today.

The blame for this attack must be placed squarely where it belongs: With Republicans in Congress who block common sense truck laws and the Automobile Association of America, an out-of-touch advocacy group whose policies endanger many.
Read more here.

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