Sunday, July 10, 2016

Clinton played fast and loose with national security and lied about it.

Jonathan Tobin writes at Commentary,
Like his Tuesday announcement, Comey’s testimony provided a number of difficult moments for the Clinton campaign. He reiterated that her use of a private email server was unauthorized and that it exposed U.S. secrets to hostile powers. Most importantly, although he said she didn’t lie in her interview with the FBI, he also made it clear that her repeated denials about transmitting classified information in her emails were untrue.

...The only judges and jury Clinton will ever face are the voters who will go to the polls in November, and it is to them alone that Republicans who are outraged by this scandal should address their concerns. And what was said by Comey this week undermines the case both for Clinton as a competent public servant and a responsible guardian of America’s national security.

...The fact that most of the Republicans who serve on these committees (with a few exceptions such as Rep. Trey Gowdy) have no ability to conduct a cross-examination gives an advantage to the Democrats in their effort to obfuscate the issues and put it all down to partisan bickering.

The GOP problem isn’t that Comey was too able a witness to be pinned down on his faulty judgment or that the Democrats’ defense of Clinton was persuasive. It’s that Clinton’s opponent is too flawed and too obsessed with defending his mistakes and offensive comments to focus on Clinton’s unfitness for office. If the election is a referendum on Hillary Clinton’s untrustworthiness, negligence, paranoia about transparency, and corrupt conflicts of interest with the Clinton Foundation, the Republicans have all they need to win. But since Donald Trump has shown his unfitness in other ways and can’t stay on message enough to make that case, Clinton may get away with it. As long as he is distracting the voters from the truth about Clinton, she will be off the hook.
Read more here.

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