Saturday, July 16, 2016

"Citizen therapists" coming after Trump. I'll bet he's really scared.

Should we be surprised that "citizen therapists" are planning to protest at the Republican convention in Cleveland? Ann Althouse writes,
Look at the grandiosity and anxiety and dramatic distortion that leaps off the page beyond which I dare not click:
is antithetical to everything we stand for as therapists.
is inconsistent with democracy, with the rights of ethnic and religious minorities, and with emotionally healthy living.
promotes hyper-masculinity, public hostility, the cult of the Strong Man, and the denigration of women.
presents a threat beyond a single election; the next demagogue may be less outrageous--and thus even more dangerous.
A therapist treats a particular troubled individual, encountered personally, but these therapists throw off their own profession. They want to get out from "behind closed doors" — i.e., leave the context for which they have training — and diagnose millions of people as suffering from a made-up disorder they call "Trumpism." They want to use their professionalism by throwing it away. Expertise doesn't work like that.
Read more here.

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