Monday, July 11, 2016

A sea of faith

Ann Voskamp writes at A Holy Experience,
...Yeah, sure, there may be those who think they have all the answers, but there’s a comfort walking with those who have questions, those who are wrestlers and wanderers and wonder-ers, who find the leaning into the questions lets them live into stronger answers.

...And I can stand on the heat of a July porch and watch the sun set with the Farmer across those wheat fields and feel how though we once started as curled and embryonic as a comma, a pause in the timeline, a space looking for answers, we can grow into the curved, open-handedness of question marks.

And maybe that is the exact posture of faith — faith is the empty hand curved to willingly receive.

There is faith that believes the most astonishing truths in the face of the dire headlines: “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Me, though he die — yet shall he live.”

...There is faith that stands or falls on the truth that the future with God is more fulfilling than anything forecasted by either the fortunetellers or the fearmongers. (The power of sin and worry and fear over us is always the power of deceit over us.)

There is faith that in the midst of the setbacks, God is setting up everything for the comeback of your joy.

...The Farmer nods toward the fields in the thickening dark, “We’re all just living in a sea of faith.”

And for days afterward, when I feel like I am drowning in questions and news and life, it rings me, like the answering song of surrendered old chimes—

That is all — we are all just living in a sea of faith.
Read more here.

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