Saturday, June 18, 2016

Which bias do you like best?

At National Review Ian Tuttle writes,
There’s an unseemly impulse among liberals to reflexively silence people who express opinions with which they disagree. But the myth of a prelapsarian Internet is steering the Right wrong, and it’s time to think differently.

There are no neutral spaces, and there never will be. Whether the forum is public or private, certain people are going to be in charge, and they’re going to impose certain parameters. The goal should not be to create neutral spaces; it should be to create non-neutral spaces more attractive than existing non-neutral spaces.

That is the success story of conservative media. National Review in the world of print, Fox News in the world of television, and the Drudge Report online carved out spaces that were not in the least neutral, but which handled their “prejudices” in a way that was more attractive than the alternatives.

That’s the solution to the hegemony of the current social-media powers. Facebook is not going to change. Someone who is tired of Facebook imposing its opinions on its users will have to create a better social-media site that is based on conservative principles, and uphold those principles in a way that gives users more freedom. Conservatives will never make the existing social-media open up to their satisfaction. But they can create their own space in the social-media world and provide a counterweight to the existing ideological monopoly. It won’t be easy. But other conservative media show that it’s possible.

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