Wednesday, June 01, 2016

THC-fueled paranoid rage

Stephen Green, also known as VodkaPundit, reports at PJ Media,
You may remember the 2014 murder of Kristine Kirk allegedly by her husband Richard, in what appeared to be a THC-fueled paranoid rage.

Now their children have filed a wrongful death suit against the recreational marijuana company which produced the THC "edibles" Kirk was reported to have taken before the murder:

The maker of the candy, Gaia’s Garden LLC, and its distributor, Nutritional Elements Inc., both of Denver, stand accused of failing to warn customers that edibles could lead to paranoia, psychosis and hallucinations.
“The packaging and labeling for the potent candy contained no directions, instructions or recommendations respecting the product’s proper consumption or use,” said the lawsuit filed in May in Denver District Court. “The edible producers negligently, recklessly and purposefully concealed vital dosage and labeling information from their actual and prospective purchasers including Kirk in order to make a profit.”
Read more here.

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