Monday, June 27, 2016

Placing the blame for global warming where it belongs

Manhattan Infidel reports that the Sun plans to attend the 2017 World Economic Summit in Davos, Switzerland.
While at Davos the Sun also hopes to counter propaganda from science-denying U.S. Republicans that it is the Sun that is primarily responsible for climate change.

“I hate Republicans” he said.

What have they got against me? I’m just a big nuclear-fusion ball with an average temperature of 10,000 degrees. I do my bit but I’m tired of taking the blame for warming temperatures on Earth. I won’t have it anymore and I’m going to Davos to state my case and place the blame for global warming where it belongs: on SUVs and 100 watt light bulbs. And let’s not forget that global warming leads to terrorism. I just thought I’d throw that in there.

Science-denying Republicans for their part call the Sun’s appearance at the World Economic forum a gimmick.

Said Marco Rubio:

Instead of going to Switzerland the Sun should be focused on helping us increase the size of our Federal government and opening our borders. This is something that all mainstream Republicans believe in.
Read more here.

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