Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Let the British decide!

At National Review Jim Geraghty discusses the vote that is taking place in Britain in a little more than a week on whether or not to remain in the European Union.
The Obama administration has even resorted to unseemly threats should Great Britain vote to leave the EU. President Barack Obama has warned that Great Britain will have to go to “the back of the queue” on trade negotiations should it vote to leave the EU. And U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman has warned the British electorate that “We’re not particularly in the market for free trade agreements with individual countries.”

Truth be told, the United States has several free trade agreements with individual countries. These countries include Israel, South Korea, Morocco and Chile. Froman might find this information useful in his role as trade representative.

...do we have the right to ask our longtime ally to stay in an economic agreement they don’t like, for the sake of our own prosperity? Haven’t our friends earned the right to make their own decisions, even if it is a mistake?
Read more here.

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