Wednesday, June 22, 2016

"He liked Hillary Clinton"

Democrat organ Washington Post thinks it has a good one. It plays videos of Trump saying Muslims need to help us identify potential terrorists. It finds one who reported Orlando killer Omar Mateen to the FBI, and asks him to write a column in the Post. Only one problem: he writes,
Omar and I continued to have infrequent conversations over the next few years. I last saw him at a dinner at his father’s house in January. We talked about the presidential election and debated our views of the candidates that were running – he liked Hillary Clinton and I liked Bernie Sanders. This banter continued through texts and phone calls for several months. My last conversation with Omar was by phone in mid-May. He called me while he was at the beach with his son to tell me about a vacation he’d taken with his father to Orlando the previous weekend. He’d been impressed by the local mosque.

Your clever idea backfired on you, Washington Post.
Read more here.

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