Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Did I vote for the right person?

Today is primary day in Colorado. The most interesting race is the one for the U.S. Senate. I voted, but I think I may have not voted for the best candidate. It is so frustrating to try to choose whom to vote for, when you do not know any of the candidates.

I voted for Darryl Glenn. He won the top line on the ballot due to a terrific speech he gave at the state convention. He also is supported by Ted Cruz, Ben Sasse, and other nationally known conservatives. But I am not sure he is the best man for the job.

If I would have waited until today to mark my ballot, I would have voted for Jon Keyser, a young man who has fought jihadis in both Afghanistan and Iraq. I heard him on the Dan Caplis radio show on KNUS this morning. He pointed out that he is the only one of the five GOP candidates who is being attacked by Democrat-financed groups. He received a lot of negative publicity when a petition-gatherer put fake signatures on ballots she turned in. Keyser pointed out that he hired an organization to gather signatures, and that organization hired another group, which hired the woman who turned in fake signatures. I watched the video from 7 News that brought the matter to the attention of the public, and that was the reason I did not vote for Keyser. Was I influenced by the liberal media? Yes!

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