Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Covering for alpha male killers

Here is an excerpt of Chateau Heartiste's take on Female Accomplices To Alpha Male Killers:
There are developments in the Orlando muslim fanatic mass shooting that won’t surprise Chateau guests. Omar Mateen’s second wife, Noor Zahi Salman (American as apple pie), knew about his plans to shoot up the Pulse anal playground, excuse me, nightclub, and declined to tell authorities. She basically covered for Omar, and could be charged as an accessory to murder.

The lessons are as old as time. Muslims, especially from the Middle East and Central Asia, are extremely inbred and clannish. When one muslim goes on a killing spree for allah, you can bet that his immediate and extended family silently acquiesced and probably even supported his violent intentions.
Read more here.

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