Friday, June 24, 2016

A confession

The mainstream media is freaking out about the Brexit vote. Maybe it's time for a confession from me. When my preferred candidate was losing his battle with Donald Trump in the Republican primaries, I tuned out Trump supporters like Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham and Roger L. Simon. I even started listening to NPR!

I'm over my tantrum. Today I turned on NPR for what I hope will be one of the last times, during a thunderstorm which was interferring with my AM radio reception. The NPR person started sobbing about the Brexit vote as she rode her bicycle into Munich and talked with her friends. Immediately I laughed uproariously, and changed back to the staticky AM radio program.

Laura Ingraham was excitedly celebrating the Brexit vote. So was Sean Hannity later in the day. And Roger L. Simon has been writing his best stuff ever.

And where was Donald Trump? In London congratulating the people of Britain for their "fantastic" vote! Unlike Barack Obama who scolded them and threatened them prior to the vote, which surely influenced the vote just as happened in 2010 and 2014 in America.

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