Sunday, May 22, 2016

What do you believe?

At PJ Media Tricia Lott Williford writes about three lies that many Christians believe.
Lie #1: God won’t give you more than you can handle. Truth: God will often give you more than you can handle. He will put you in a season, a chapter of your life, when you are in over your head. Why would the Lord put you in a situation where you have too much to handle, where you cannot do it on your own? So that the world will know that there is a God, and so that everyone who is watching you will know that the Lord rescues his people.

Lie #2: God wants me to be happy. Truth: Be part of what he’s doing, and you’ll find something so much deeper, bigger, and better than happiness.

Lie #3: Following God will make my life easier. Truth: Following God will make your life better. But here’s the corollary: better is almost always harder. Anytime you undertake a journey of transformation, you know that better is almost always harder. Get healthier, pay off debts, climb a mountain, run a marathon, fix your marriage—all of these things are better and harder than the lazy life. You and I will have some pain in our lives. We’ll face heartache and disillusionment and hurt.
Read more here.


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