Friday, May 20, 2016

The latest disgrace of Senate Republicans

Jeremy Carl reports at National Review on the latest Mitch McConnell travesty.
To nobody’s surprise, the Lee amendment to defund the Obama administration’s radical Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule (AFFH) (a rule that essentially turns the federal government into a national zoning board, forcing high-density housing on unwilling cities and towns while letting bureaucrats decide the racial, ethnic, and income balance of local communities) was tabled by a vote of 60–37 today, marking a defeat for conservatism, community control, and common sense.

... For what it’s worth, the following 16 GOP Senators voted for the Obama administration’s war on the suburbs. It’s a largely predictable list: Alexander Ayotte Blunt Burr Coats Cochran Collins Graham Hatch Hoeven Isakson Kirk McCain Murkowski Portman Tillis Giving political cover to Democrats. Bowing to the dictates of the most liberal members of the caucus. Splitting the party. It’s what the GOP leadership does so expertly. And yet again, they’ve outdone themselves.
Read more here.

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