Friday, May 27, 2016

More outrageous things about Obama's new transgender regulations

Robert Gehl writes at The Federalist,
There’s one part of Barack Obama’s letter to all public schools and universities about “transgender accommodation” that the media – and the rest of us – have overlooked.

It has nothing to do with bathrooms or locker rooms, either – but something much worse. Obama’s federal “guidance” requires that:

1) School districts must allow males and females to spend the night together in the same hotel on school field trips.

2) Colleges must let men who claim to be transgender room with women.

3) School officials are not permitted to tell the women (or their parents) that their new roommate is a man.

...While many opponents of Barack Obama’s new “accommodations” for transgender people, claim that the term “transgender” is vague, in fact it is not.

The eight-page letter clearly states that, as far as the Justice Department and the Dept. of Education are concerned, a student becomes a member of the opposite sex the moment he feels like it. The instant he tells school officials about his decision, they must immediately treat him accordingly.

...And there is no maximum number of times a student can “switch” their genders. “For some people, gender is not just about being male or female,” CNN reported. “In fact, how one identifies can change every day or even every few hours.” So, theoretically, one could be male during homeroom, female during gym class, then male again before he gets on the bus – and the school district is bound to comply every step of the way.

...Remember: These new rules – right or wrong – are being imposed upon us without a single lawmaker voting for it. No debate, no discussion. Just a decision by Barack Obama and his Justice Department.
Read more here.

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