Sunday, May 15, 2016

Let's talk

Neo-Neocon writes,
Everyone’s conferring with Trump. Paul Ryan, for example.

Makes sense. They want to see what he’ll promise, what they’re willing to give, whether it’s a good idea to support him, and probably much more.

But I wonder if they understand that whatever he promises them he will do or say, whatever deal he makes, is completely mutable at his discretion. I cannot imagine why they would believe him. He contradicts himself daily (for example, now it’s that banning Muslims was just a “suggestion” and he’s not releasing his tax returns till after the election—yeah, right!). To even try to determine which is the truth—what he said yesterday, what he says today, what he will say tomorrow, or something else entirely—is a futile waste of time.

Many Trump supporters would no doubt say that’s what’s so clever about Trump—so wily, so unpredictable!

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