Wednesday, May 04, 2016

An elected servant

This reminder from Tom Krannawitter might make you feel better:
I know it's hard for many people to shake old habits, but let's not forget: The President of the United States, whoever it might be at a given time, emphatically is NOT the "leader" of the world.

A world of billions of free wills and rational minds is far too complex to be "led" by anyone.
For that matter, the President of the United States, whoever it might be, is not even the "leader" of the United States. Or his/her political party.

Human beings, with their free wills and rational minds, have no need for a "leader." We are not sheep. Therefore we are in need of no shepherd.... much less a "führer," which is the German word for "leader."

A President, and all other politicians in the United States, are our agents. We are their principals. We decide who among them we offer permission to serve us. We decide what powers they have and don't have. We decide when it's time for them to leave the office to which we appointed them.

That's not a "leader." That's an elected servant. That's an agent. Let not forget that in these heady times.

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