Thursday, May 12, 2016

A whole generation of young men who are becoming good men

Ann Voskamp reminds us at A Holy Experience that
A road always looks one way — until it makes a u-turn.

The only way to raise kids — is by never giving up.

Turns out that: Whenever you want to light into someone, is exactly when you should lighten up.

Instead of giving someone a piece of your mind, it turns out far better if you give them a piece of your heart.

When a family works shoulder to shoulder through something, they find they can take on just about anything.

There’s a whole generation of young men who are becoming good men.

There are young men who need time. Oak trees don’t happen over night. Growing in grace and wisdom and stature isn’t an immediate download — it happens the way a tree grows up: over decades.

There’s a reason why children begin as seeds. It’s okay — it’s okay —- that growth and change take time — it’s supposed to.

There are good young men who simply need someone to tell them that they are that —- who need someone to tell them a dozen times a day, “You’re good at working hard and loving large. You were made for this.”

There are good young men out there who need to be unearthed from low expectations, and made over by relentless grace, and strengthened with daily doses of iron: the nails of service and the Cross of Christ.

There are good young men who need someone to show them they are trustworthy by entrusting them with worthy work, who take the time to inspect their work so they know what to expect, who give them confidence to to do hard things by giving them hard things to do.

There’s a whole generation of the hardest boys who can become the greatest men.

There’s a whole generation of young men who will rise up if we raise our expectations, who can turn over new leaves because we never stop believing in them, who can do hard things because we never give up on them, no matter how hard it gets.

When you teach a kid how to work hard, you teach him how to work through whatever’s hard.

The feet of all our sons run like all the good men ahead of them —

a crop of good young men planted by their Father, for a harvest worth all of a mother’s worn and faithful grace.
Read more here.

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