Tuesday, May 10, 2016

A victory lap

Ben Rhodes is President Barack Obama's deputy national security adviser for strategic communications. So why did Ben Rhodes attack allies in the media who helped the White House push through Obama's signature foreign policy accomplishment? Lee Smith writes at The Weekly Standard
For the same reason that anonymous White House officials called the prime minister of Israel "chickenshit." For the same reason that Obama called American partners "free riders." For the same reason Obama shamed the leaders of two of America's closest allies, France and the United Kingdom, in public. Because that's what this president and this White House is about, humiliating allies and friends. Why would it treat its own Iran Deal echo chamber any better?

...Lots of people don't know why the administration let Rhodes pull back the curtain. Because the White House won the Iran Deal is why. They wanted to take a victory lap.
Read more here.

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