Tuesday, April 05, 2016

We need to come together behind the unifying principles that built America

On CNN a student asked Ted Cruz about his Christian faith. Cruz's answer, "...
I’m not asking you to vote for me because of my personal faith with Jesus Christ. I’m asking you to vote for me because I’ve spent a lifetime fighting to defend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, fighting to defend the American free enterprise system, and we need a leader who will stand up every day and protect the rights of everyone, whether they’re Christians or Jews or Muslims or anyone else.

The bill of rights protects all Americans. It protects atheists. That’s the beauty of the bill of rights, is that we have the freedom to seek out God, to worship and to live according to our faith and our conscience, and I think the Constitution and Bill of Rights is a unifying principle that can bring us together across faiths, across races, across ethnicity. And we need to come together behind the unifying principles that built America.

Ari Armstrong points out that Cruz is adept at telling people what they want to hear. He started out courting evangelicals, but they went to Trump. Now he is back as a Constitutionalist.

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