Saturday, April 16, 2016

Using the arcane

Randy Corporan writes,
Donald J. Trump takes pride in using arcane but existing bankruptcy laws and eminent domain to further his business empire. When Ted Cruz learns and works the arcane but existing delegate process to block Trump's nomination on the first ballot, after which Trump's chances fall radically, and Trump whines, lies and calls foul.
It's hypocritical, and un-presidential.

Update: Here are Randy's thoughts after Cruz wins all 14 remaining Wyoming delegates today:
14 of 14. Magic number is 1237, Donald. It's right there. In the rules.

Donald Trump: "I don't want to waste millions of dollars going out to Wyoming many months before to wine and dine and to essentially pay off all these people because a lot of it's a pay-off," Trump said. "You understand that, they treat 'em, they take 'em to dinner, they get 'em hotels. I mean the whole thing's a big pay-off, has nothing to do with democracy."

I implore my fellow liberty-warrior, Trump-supporting friends to call out their candidate to stop lying. Most of you know, without a doubt, that there is no wining and dining, no payoffs, no hotels. We (and you in years past) work our tails off to grow coalitions, create support, and organize for success.
And, we pay our own way to do it.
Shame on Donald Trump. Again.

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