Sunday, April 24, 2016

"Stay out of our bathrooms!"

Joy Overbeck writes at Town Hall,
Studies find only three-tenths of one percent of the population are transgendered persons who refuse to accept their “birth assignment” which is to say they rebel against the sex that God or nature bestowed upon them. They want to be the opposite sex. But far fewer go in for that irreversible surgery snip. They like to keep their options open in case they want to reverse course, stop the hormone injections, and play for the other side again. So how authentic really is their commitment to transgenderism or are they just sampling the deep end of the pool?

Most of these people are “assigned” male but long to be female. And now state laws increasingly give them the “right” to choose whatever bathroom or even shower room corresponds to the gender with which they “identify” on any given day. Because, you understand, they’re a protected class, unlike actual women.

So growing your hair long and wearing makeup, stiletto heels and cute outfits allows someone like Bruce aka Caitlyn Jenner to invade the ladies room and the privacy of the women there. They can call themselves transgender even though many of these individuals, like Jenner, don’t feel female enough to part with their boy parts. It’s true that ladies have much cooler clothes than men, and I’m sure there was epic wardrobe pressure in the Jenner household with all those stylish women. I wonder how much an irresistible attraction to opposite sex fashion motivated Caitlyn.

...Now that homosexuals (a mere 3 to 4 percent of the population) have managed to mainstream themselves via sweet and sympathetic TV characters, same-sex “marriage”, the White House lit up in gay rainbows, and bullying cake-bakers, florists, and even pastors into submission, gayness is so passé. They’ve won the battle to be “normal.” So the next big “equal rights” movement is transgenderism and bathroom equality.

...Here we go again. Transgender is the new gay. Expect award-winning TV shows and films in which heroic transgender individuals are the saviors of doomed planets. But guys, we know who you are. We can see your beard stubble very clearly through your makeup. Stay out of our bathrooms.

h/t David Adamstransgender

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