Friday, April 22, 2016

New allegations from the National Enquirer

A couple of weeks ago Donald Trump's friend who flies in Donald's jet and owns three supermarket tabloids, published in The National Enquirer a story alleging that Ted Cruz has been unfaithful to his wife with at least five different women. Ted denied it and called it garbage. None of the women corroborated the Enquirer.

Today the Enquirer tries another allegation. Their entire cover is devoted to an "investigation" being done by the Enquirer alleging that Ted Cruz's father, Rafael Cruz, was seen in a photo standing near Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald had on a white shirt and tie. So did Rafael Cruz. The blazing yellow headlines (they're always bright yellow, have you noticed) blared these words: TED CRUZ'S FATHER LINKED TO JFK ASSASSINATION.

I took the magazine up to the cash register and asked the price: $4.99! No thanks. I'll let some other blogger cough up the bucks for this one. Keep trying, Enquirer; I know you will.

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