Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Marijuana news

Sneha Susan John reports in Nature World News,
A recent study has proven that heavy use of cannabis can lead to a compromised dopamine system. Decreased release was found in the striatum, which is the part of the brain that helps in paying attention and memory.

Earlier research has proven that drugs like cocaine and heroin have a major effect on the dopamine release in the brain. However, it is for the first time research proved similar effects on marijuana. Unfortunately, unlike heroin and cocaine, marijuana has been widely accepted in many parts of the world especially among the youth.

...Decrease in an individual's dopamine level can result in many problems. First, it leads to an addiction. Deficient dopamine release can also result to Parkinson'a disease. Since dopamine is what controls the brain's pleasure centers, it can also affect an individual's emotional response to things. Heavy use of marijuana can change one's learning ability and behavior.
Read more here.

For information about how legalization of marijuana has impacted Colorado, here is an exhaustive 182 page report.

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