Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Is it only our own sins that we ask forgiveness for?

At A Holy Experience Ann Voskamp asks,
...who hasn’t been cheated on, talked down, lied about, pierced right through and left heart-broken on some beaten-down back road?

I have bowed and said it aloud for decades.“Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Who lives this?

If we only got into the Christ-faith through the door of forgiveness, how can we claim Christ as our home if we aren’t people who forgive?

Words and ideology on a page are cheap. Grace and incarnating the love of Christ isn’t.

If forgiveness isn’t central to our faith, is our faith really Christian?

Does “love your enemies” have any loop holes? How far can forgiveness go?
Read more here.

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