Thursday, April 28, 2016

Can we all just be honest about it?

Talk radio may be one of the losers in this election season. There are those who clearly express their preference, yet still try to be fair to other candidates (Laura Ingraham). There are those those who pretend to be neutral, but aren't kidding anybody (Hugh Hewitt, Sean Hannity, NPR). There are those who clearly favor one candidate, and are not about to be fair to any other candidate (Mark Levin, Steve Deace, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, Alex Jones). There are those who really are neutral, and try to be fair to all who espouse viewpoints similar to their own (Rush Limbaugh). In addition to these national shows, there are many local shows, and they have the same mix as those I have mentioned above. It doesn't take long to realize their biases. I prefer the ones who are honest about whom they are supporting, yet still try to be fair to other candidates.

Sometimes it has gotten so frustrating listening to traditional conservative talk radio that I have been driven to tune in NPR! In Colorado we have CPR, and they do a good job bringing us interesting stories, when they stay away from politics. Conservative talk radio, though, is politics all the time.

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