Monday, April 18, 2016

America's pastime?

When I was a boy, baseball was America's biggest sport. For less than a week, I believe, Willie Mays was a player on the minor league baseball team in Sioux City, Iowa, where I grew up.

One summer my dad took a trip to Chicago and brought along his family. I was in an elevator in Chicago with New York Giants manager Leo Durocher. I asked him for his autograph. He was so nice to me. When the elevator reached the lobby, Durocher took me around for more autographs to some of his players who were hanging out in the lobby waiting for the team bus to go to Wrigley Field for a game against the Cubs.

These days I don't have much interest in baseball. But when I was a little boy, I was glued to the radio when Bobby Thomson smacked his famous homer.

Blogger Manhattan Infidel covers the current New York Yankees team in his inimitable style here.

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