Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Trump University and donations to politicians

Ned Resnikoff reports at IBTimes,
A new legal complaint against Donald Trump's charitable organization claims the group illegally donated to a political organization supporting Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi. State campaign finance records show the $25,000 contribution was made in September 2013, just days after Bondi's office announced she was considering whether to take legal action against Trump's now-defunct online seminar business, Trump University.

Bondi, who endorsed Trump last week, never wound up investigating the company. On Monday the Washington nonprofit Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) called on the IRS to investigate whether the Trump Foundation broke federal law when it donated to the pro-Bondi group.

The Trump Foundation is registered as a 501(c)(3) organization, meaning that it is prohibited from supporting political candidates. CREW's complaint alleges that donating to And Justice For All, the pro-Bondi group, would violate this prohibition.

Bondi's office initially considered taking action against Trump University after New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman launched his own lawsuit in 2013, alleging that the seminar program had defrauded thousands of customers.

A statement from Schneiderman's office said the company was "an unlicensed educational institute that promised to teach Donald Trump's real estate investing techniques to consumers nationwide but instead misled consumers into paying for a series of expensive courses that did not deliver on their promises."
Read more here.

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