Thursday, March 10, 2016

Tonight's debate

What will happen in tonight's debate? Now that Trump has whittled "Little Marco" down to size, will he go after Cruz? What will Cruz's strategy be? To defeat Trump, doesn't he need the Kasich and Rubio supporters?

Commenter "Ceasar" writes at Vox Populi,
Cruz cannot beat Trump in terms of getting the needed delegates, and he knows this. So his words against a contested convention are meaningless. He knows most sane people hate the idea of a contested convention. Let Rubio drop out like Trump noted and watch Trump go after Cruz again. Trump has laid off Cruz for the last couple of weeks, expect to see that change dramatically. Cruz has not had to deal with attacks like Trump has and as we all know, everyone has skeletons in their closet.

Cruz will be pounded as a hypocrite, liar and no experience politician. All of which will be correct. He is what he is. If I told you I know a politician who is a freshman senator, has done nothing outside of gov, loves to give long winded ideological speeches to put you to sleep, thinks he's the smartest man in the room, and is a constitutional lawyer. You would say that is Obama. You would be correct but it also describes Cruz.

At the same blog, commenter Mike replies,
As opposed to Trump who:

1. Thinks Kelo v. New London is an outstanding court decision.
2. Supported the Gang of 8 legislation before he opposed it.
3. Supported socialized medicine until he opposed it.
4. Was a supporter of partial birth abortion until he realized it would be a liability with even blue dog democrats.

FFS. Cruz isn't perfect, but Cruz is closer to a fusion of Reagan and Ron Paul than he is to Trump on politics and reliability.

Commenter James Dixon writes,
But I still believe the main core of the GOPe... McCain... Payl Ryan... Mitch McConnell... they hate Cruz.

Oh, no doubt. The question is who do they hate more, Cruz or Trump. That's still not certain. If they all get behind Cruz to stop Trump, we'll know it's Trump. If they back Trump over Cruz, it's Cruz. I'm assuming they either hate both equally but in different ways or that the different factions within the GOPe differ in who they hate most. If that's the case they'll keep Rubio and Kasich in the race to the bitter end and try to get a brokered convention where they can draft Jeb (the great white dope).

Commenter W.Lindsay Wheeler adds,
Trump is right that Cruz can't win New York or Pennsylvania. Trump has wide support with Independents.

Perception vs perspective. The hidden Lion, though, is Assassination. Huey Long was a populist--assassinated. George Wallace, was heavily wounded in an assassination attempt. Barry Goldwater and Pat Buchanan were character assassinated by the Rockefeller Republicans.

The looming threat of assassination is very real in this campaign. The character assassination has already begun.

Will the GOP try to rig the convention? Steve comments,
You guys know better than I, but I just can't imagine any scenario where the GOP rigs the convention, as if the US was some two-bit banana republic, tells its voters to fuck off, and survives as a viable party.

The fact they're even still considering this as a viable option betrays how dangerously deluded they are. This is their "let them eat cake" moment.

What do they imagine will happen next? The plebs just slink back to their hovels because their betters have decided for them? There are millions of pissed off Americans who are armed to the teeth and I don't think they're ready to eat another shit sandwich and pretend to like it.

It'd be cuckicide.

Commenter johnc adds,
To use the analogy from the girlfriend's perspective, don't be surprised if the Alpha is sleeping around with all the other girls behind your back.

Trump has many, many strengths. Some useful, some who cares. But fidelity is not one of them.

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