Thursday, March 17, 2016

Taking responsibility for mistakes is a sure sign of character; blaming others is not.

At National Review Victor Davis Hanson
gives many examples of how Barack Obama and his staffers have blamed everyone but themselves for their errors.

The flip side is that Obama rarely shares credit for unexpectedly positive developments that he had little or nothing to do with. His administration did its utmost to stop new oil and gas leases on federal lands. But when the fracking revolution nonetheless went on to make America nearly energy-independent and sent gas prices tumbling, Obama took credit for the windfall.

When Obama ran for office, he routinely blamed the Bush administration for the Iraq War. After the surge (which he openly opposed) worked, Obama entered office to a quiet Iraq — and immediately took credit for the post-surge calm. Vice President Joe Biden called a constitutional Iraq “one of the great achievements of this administration.” Obama himself added that Iraq was “sovereign, stable, and self-reliant.”

Yet when Obama pulled all U.S. peacekeepers out of Iraq before his 2012 reelection bid and the country blew up, he went back to blaming Iraq violence on Bush.
Read more here.

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