Tuesday, March 15, 2016

#NeverTrump forces are losing.

David Wasserman writes at Five Thirty Eight,
Here’s my gut takeaway from tonight’s primaries: It’s more difficult to see how Trump DOESN’T get to 1,237 delegates from here. He’s beating Cruz in red states, and he’s likely to beat Kasich in future blue states. Most of the delegates at stake from here on out will come from winner-take-all states. Whether #NeverTrump forces realize it or not, they are losing.

1 comment:

  1. "#NeverTrump" or whatever 'forces' were losing the moment they grouped together. The other night, there were millions of tweets on Twitter about Trump. Whether negative or positive is of no consequences. There were millions of tweets about Trump. That's all he needs.

    I look at a site like HotAir.com and go to their 'Headlines' section. Nothing but Trump. Again, doesn't matter negative or positive.

    The internet, among other things, seems to have helped us forget the common sense of not believing our own bull shit. We seem to think we can now just talk things like Donald Trump away. This is despite the fact that there are so many clues around us that the more people talk about Trump, the more Trump wins, that a homicide detective might call those clues the infamous, 'Orgy of Evidence.'

    No matter, though! "#NeverTrump' will just keep on yappin'!
