Friday, March 18, 2016

History may not repeat, but it rhymes

Will the Occupy movement become the Democracy Spring movement? Aaron Klein reports at "Trumpbart" that
With little fanfare and almost no news media attention, some of the same radical groups involved in shutting down Donald Trump’s Chicago rally last week are plotting a mass civil disobedience movement to begin next month.
Read more here.

Gerard Van der leun writes at Facebook,
File Under: Political Morons Not Likely to GrowABrain Soon. And making new votes for Trump millions at a time.... good going progs. I guess Trump offered them more money to be political cannon fodder than Soros or MoveOn. The last time this happened on a large scale, the 1968 post Chicago convention riots, we got Nixon kicking Humphrey's ass into the gutter with 301 electoral votes vs 191. History may not repeat but it rhymes.

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