Sunday, March 06, 2016

Finger size matters!

Is this bad news for Donald Trump? Keri Blakinger reports in the New York Daily News,
Just a little tip for aspiring politicians: Size really does matter.

Finger size, that is.

The size of Trump’s manhood has been a hot debate topic of late, ever since rival GOP contender Marco Rubio said that Trump’s small fingers mean he’s got a small something else.

It sounds like total junk science, but there is a correlation between hand size and penis size — it’s just not the correlation you’d expect.

According to a 2011 study in the Asian Journal of Andrology, guys with shorter index fingers than ring fingers are better endowed than guys with bigger index fingers.

The study was conducted on men who were hospitalized for urological surgery. While the men were knocked out, scientists — with consent, of course — measured their junk.
Read more here.

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