Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Conservatives and liberals need each other

Chateau Heartiste writes,
Conservatives need liberals for their creativity and (usually) aesthetic lifestyle sensibilities. Liberals need conservatives for their guardianship and wisdom. Too few liberals, and conservative society can become static and self-satisfied. Too few conservatives, and liberal society can become self-destructive.

In this view, conservatives are the more crucial linchpin to civilization. Without liberals, we might have worse movies and fewer charming coffee shops. But without conservatives, we might have no civilization at all, having handed over the keys to the White kingdom to babbling barbarians.

So there is something to this formulation that amygdalae-deficient shitlibs, poets till the consummating end, need (if not consciously want) the pimp hand of warriors with full hearts and clear eyes to stop shitlibs from blowing up the nation and taking everyone down with them.
Read more here.

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