Friday, March 18, 2016

Consequences of illegal immigration

Victor Davis Hanson writes at PJ Media about the weirdness of illegal immigration. First, he documents many examples of the collapse of the rule of law. Then, he writes,
The answers to all these challenges are time-honored assimilation and integration. But tragically, illegal immigration coincided with the cult of multiculturalism. How strange that those who vote with their feet to abandon their own country for an entirely different cultural and economic system are mostly greeted with propaganda about how woeful is their new home and how wonderful is what was rejected. I am pessimistic: to return to the melting pot and ethnically blind admissions and hiring, and rigorous classical education would de facto mean the end of a huge grievance industry—and with it hundreds of thousands of well-paid government jobs for second- and third-generation hyphenated careerists.

An indigent Oaxacan immigrant is reminded more often by his host that his poverty is not the result of his own wild gamble to leave his home and enter illegally an entirely foreign universe, but due to the racism, nativism, and xenophobia of his clueless host—pathologies that can be ameliorated by plenty of advocates whose own careers are predicated on open borders and slow if any assimilation.

The final tragedy? If the border were to be closed, if immigration laws were enforced, if there were some reduction in legal immigration, if entry were to be meritocratic, if we reverted to the melting-pot ideal of assimilation, if we cut –studies courses and jettisoned therapy and ideology for hard science, math, and English language, in just two decades one’s particular ancestry would become irrelevant -- the image of Oaxaca would be analogous to having a grandfather from Palermo or cousin from the Azores. In other words, things would work out fine.
Read more here.

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