Sunday, March 27, 2016

Can we confront the problem?

Bruce Bialosky writes in Town Hall,
We have had these attacks going on since at least 1979. Our political leaders immediately warn us about not displaying intolerance for Muslims instead of confronting the problem. President Obama spoke of that in the State of the Union address. Why was he not railing about the fact that in the United States there are four times as many anti-Semitic acts recorded as anti-Muslim acts? Why do these people keep warning us against hating Muslims or acting out when there is no evidence of such?

There is only one conclusion I came to and that is that these elected leaders of the left don’t really understand religion or God. Their catering to these Muslim misfits needs to stop.

We, who actively practice religion and believe in God, understand that as long as they placate these Muslims they will only be enablers and we will never have peace in the world. Isn’t that what we all want, including the vast majority of followers of Islam?
Read more here.

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