Saturday, March 19, 2016

15 years hard labor

That is the punishment for this young American, who got the brilliant idea to steal a political banner off the wall in the hotel room where he was staying in North Korea.

Jennifer Kabbany writes in The College Fix,A
U.N. ambassador relayed the story of former North Korean prisoner Kim Young-soon, who recounted hunger so strong she and her fellow inmates would pick out kernels of corn from cow dung for food, adding “If there was a day that we were able to have mouse, that was a special diet for us.”

That is oppression. These are the people who have a right to say they “can’t breathe.” The residents of North Korea. The prisoners of North Korea. And now, American college student Otto Warmbier, who would probably give his pinky finger to be at any one of these alleged “oppressive” college campuses rather than where he is about to spend the next 15 years.

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