Wednesday, March 30, 2016

15 "middle eastern men" detained in California, after shooting and chanting at 3 a.m.

U.S. News reports,
BREAKING: Muslim Terror Cell Opened Fire In California!!
A heavily armed group of men with Middle Eastern appearance was arrested two hours ago outside Los Angeles after opening fire upon hikers and campers in a large State Park in the area.

Super Station 95: Photos taken by one of the victims of the attack have been supplied to SuperStation95 as have screen shots of MMS messages sent/received during the incident. They appear below.

No word yet from authorities about the identities or affiliation of the men arrested. The Adelanto, CA Police Department effectuated the arrests.

According to the victim/witness, there were two groups of men, about 15 per group, armed with heavy weapons, who began shouting “Allah u Akbar” and started firing. The firing allegedly lasted upwards of TWO HOURS before police were able to find callers in the vast California parkland.

When police were responding, one group of 15 or so men took-off into the hills, while the other group was captured by police.

According to one of the victim/witnesses, his cellphone GPS map indicates below where the incident took place – At a camping area near Deep Creek Hot Springs, north of Lake Arrowhead and east of Hisperia.

Photo and police scanner audio at the link below:

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