Saturday, February 20, 2016

Who will get the Bush, Kasich, and Carson votes? Who will get the Bush donors?

It's Donald Trump with a "yuge" win in South Carolina. Rubio is edging into second place about 1000 votes ahead of Ted Cruz. They are followed by Jeb, who has "suspended" his campaign. Closely following Bush is Kasich, with Carson coming in last about 3000 votes behind Kasich. Decison Desk has the totals with 99.9 % of precincts reporting:
Trump 32.4% 239,435 votes
Rubio 22.5% 165,714 votes
Cruz 22.3% 164,570 votes
Bush 7.9% 57,958 votes
Kasich 7.2% 56,143 votes
Carson 7.2% 53,230 votes

Who will get the Bush, Kasich, and Carson votes? Who will get the Bush donors? The presumption is that Rubio will get the Bush donors.

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