Thursday, February 11, 2016

What is the economic and fiscal impact when undocumented immigrants return to their home countries?

Did you know that since 2007 the number of undocumented immigrants has fallen by 40 percent? James Pethokoukis reports at AEI that
Some 200,000 have left the state of 6.7 million. What’s been the economic and fiscal impact?

The Arizona government has spent $350 million less a year on schooling the kids of noncitizens, $60 million less on ER spending, and $20 million less on incarcerations.

Harvard economist Lawrence Katz who finds increased immigration has been “at most a small contributor to rising inequality among pre-existing U.S. residents and to poor income growth for low and moderate-income people.” He cites “technological change, educational deficiencies, global trade and the decline of unions” as having greater effect.
Read more here.

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