Saturday, February 06, 2016

Pandering flip-flopper

Want to hear a total flip-flop? Here is Donald Trump six days ago on CBS's Face the Nation as reported by Trent Baker in Breitbart:
On CBS’s “Face the Nation” Sunday, GOP front-runner made his pick for this weekend’s Super Bowl, taking the Denver Broncos over the favorite Carolina Panthers.

Trump said he knows the Panthers are the hotter team and Panthers quarterback Cam Newton is “doing great,” but he is sticking with his friend and “very good guy” Peyton Manning, leader of the Broncos.

“I very much have always liked Peyton Manning,” Trump said. “He’s a very good guy. I know him. So I have to go with the person who I know and I like.”

Tonight at the end of the New Hampshire debate, each candidate was asked to predict the winner of tomorrow's Super Bowl. Trump answered in one word, "Carolina."

You don't suppose that prediction had anything to do with the fact that the Carolina primary comes up on Saturday, February 20? Trump is learning fast how to out-pander all the other politicians. Remember how he went into Iowa and decided to be the champion of Ethanol subsidies?

h/t Craig Silverman

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