Thursday, February 18, 2016

Let the voters decide!

Now that he has been scolded by Pope Francis, I fear Donald Trump will regain the momentum he lost in his petulant tantrums in Saturday's debate. Once again, he can now play the victim card. First it was Meygan Kelly of Fox News whom he was able to portray himself as victimized by. By fighting back against the big bully who was "bleeding out of her whatever," Trump was able to gain huge momentum, only to be taken down a notch in Iowa by Ted Cruz's superior ground game. Cruz has been gaining momentum this week after Trump's behavior in Saturday's debate, but now Trump will portray himself as being bullied by that mean Catholic Pope Francis, and will probably ride his poor me act to victory Saturday.

I wish voters could decide without the interference of someone who lives behind walls in Rome or Republican Party Establishment figures who hope to defeat both Cruz and Trump in the convention in Cleveland.

Likewise, in the Democrat Party, Bernie Sanders is giving Hillary a run for her money, but the Democrat establishment makes sure she gets the delegates, even when Sanders wins in votes cast.

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