Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Jihad in America

Karin McQuillan reports at American Thinker,
The French are raiding mosques and not liking what they are finding: hundreds of war-grade weapons, and large quantities of Kalashnikov ammunition.

French Interior Minister Cazeneuve reported, "In 15 days we have seized one third of the quantity of war-grade weapons that are normally seized in a year."

The liaison between French imams and the French government has told Aljazeera “according to official figures and our discussions with the interior ministry, between 100 and 160 mosques will be closed.”

France has 2,600 mosques. In addition, 2,235 Muslim businesses and homes have been searched. There have been 232 arrests.

Meanwhile, in America, we are being mercilessly lectured to by the Democratic Party that questioning the importation of citizens from a jihadi culture is racist.

How do the Republican candidates approach this threat? Trump is calling for a moratorium on all Muslim immigrants. Senator Cruz has introduced legislation designating the Muslim Brotherhood a foreign terrorist organization (which would enable us to deal with many jihadi front groups in America); introduced the Terrorist Refugee Infiltration Prevention Act of 2015, to bar refugees from countries with substantial territory controlled by a foreign terrorist organization; legislation to allow state governors the power to bar refugees from their states; and twice introduced the Expatriate Terrorist Act, which bars Americans who join ISIS or other terrorist groups from re-entering the country. Rubio voted against the Musim immigration moratorium bill and has no proposals to limit jihadi refugees. His Gang of Eight bill would have allowed unlimited Islamic immigrants.

...The problem of jihad in American mosques has been known for decades. Jihad in America has been spreading and now corrupts many public institutions, especially targeting our children. Enormous quantities of money are flowing into American universities, textbook companies, and elementary schools, as well as most mosques, to provide teachers, imams and texts that support the jihadi version of history and teach hate of the infidel. Much of the money is from our ally, Saudi Arabia, so nothing is done.
Read more here.

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