Friday, February 12, 2016

Does Trump scare you?

At his Dilbert blog Scott Adams tries to figure out why so many Americans fear Donald Trump. He rules out Trump's stands on social programs, healthcare, immigration (Trump's plan is all about keeping Americans safe), use of the military, and sober decision-making. Scott believes that for those who fear Trump as president,
The elephants in the room are race and gender. I’m the same race and gender as Trump, so I see no risk of him discriminating against people like me. But to women and minorities, he probably seems unpredictable, unsympathetic, and powerful. That’s the scariest combo.

Unpredictable people with no power are no problem. People with power who act in predictable ways can be avoided. And sympathetic people can generally be trusted. But an intentionally unpredictable person with great power and no love for political correctness is scary as hell.
Read more here.

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