Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Cruz and Trump: call a temporary cease fire!

So now we have confirmation: It's a three-way race for the 2016 GOP nomination. Cruz walks out of Iowa with 8 delegates to the Republican convention in Cleveland this summer, Trump with 7, and Rubio with 6.

I was so glad to be able to listen to Laura Ingraham this morning before shoveling snow and heading off to work. Laura is warning Cruz and Trump to knock off going after each other. The media is trumpeting last night as a victory for Rubio. Senators Scott and Gardner are urging Republicans to unite behind Rubio.

But Laura Ingraham is reminding us that even though Rubio won election in Florida describing himself as a conservative, he has been anything but that as a senator. He has joined with Chuck Schumer in the Gang of Eight push for Amnesty for illegals, and still has not made up his mind about whether to support the Trans Pacific Partnership bill (TPP).

Laura says the TPP is a push for global government, decreasing American sovereignty, and that the average American worker will get hosed by it. It gives an international tribunal power to hurt Americans by issuing penalties on American businesses.

Laura said that after the Iowa caucuses in 2008 she offered the same advice to Santorum and Gingrich that she is offering to Cruz and Trump today. Neither could put aside their egos to do that, and the result was a nonconservative (Romney) exploited their battles to become the candidate. Now the media focuses on any insults Cruz or Trump give each other, giving Rubio a clear shot at moving to the front of the pack.

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