Friday, January 22, 2016

The threat against us has metastasized in our eighth year under a president who quite consciously appeases the enemy. But the remedy is not a president oblivious of the enemy.

Andrew McCarthy added his voice to the symposium in National Review of writers who oppose the nomination of Donald trump. McCarthy, of course, is an expert on Islamic terror. How does Trump fare in terms of his knowledge of Islamic terror? McCarthy gives some examples, then concludes,
Donald Trump does not have a clue about any of this, careening wildly from vows to stay out of the fray (leaving it in Vladimir Putin’s nefarious hands) to promises that the earth will be indiscriminately scorched. The threat against us has metastasized in our eighth year under a president who quite consciously appeases the enemy. But the remedy is not a president oblivious of the enemy.

Read more here.

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