Saturday, January 02, 2016


John Nolte writes at Breitbart,
If the media was really about protecting women from powerful predators, the idea of Bill Clinton as America’s first First Gentleman would horrify, not thrill.
Nolte compares the media's pursuit of Bill Cosby, Herman Cain, and Clarence Thomas with the coverage given to Clinton. He alleges,
Race is certainly part of it. The elite media is left-leaning and the political left is desperate to keep blacks “in their place,” which of course means voting for Democrats. Cosby, Cain, and Thomas challenge and question that destructive cultural mindset. Therefore, all three are threats to Power. Therefore, all three must be marginalized and destroyed at all costs — not just personally but also as a warning to others.

Again, the media is doing the right thing in chasing down the truth about Cosby, but not for the right reasons.

The media’s motives are racial and political, not noble.
Read more here.

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