Friday, January 22, 2016

Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, and the issues

I listen to both Glenn Beck and Mark Levin while preparing supper each weeknight. Greta Van Sustern claims that Mark and Glenn are fighting over Donald Trump. I have not heard any of that. What I have heard both do is discuss issues, and where candidates stand on issues. Because of where Cruz and Trump stand on issues, both Levin and Beck more often stand with Ted Cruz. For example, Ethanol. Cruz goes into Iowa, which is heavily dependent on the Ethanol subsidy, and says he does not believe the government should be subsidizing the industry. Trump goes into Iowa and panders on the issue, saying the subsidy and standards should be increased.

Levin offers Trump helpful advice. Mainly he wants Trump to become informed and stick to discussion of issues. He wants him to use his big lead to avoid stupid personal attacks on people, which is easier said than done, if you're Mark Levin! Levin says Trump's campaign is Nixonian, as in Nixon's campaign approach of the 1960s. Levin would prefer candidates who are more like Reagan than Nixon, even though he acknowledges that Nixon won reelection by a landslide in 1972.

Beck is clearly in the Cruz camp. He is going to be campaigning tomorrow in Iowa with Rafael Cruz, Ted's father, whom Beck greatly admires.

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