Saturday, January 23, 2016

Drunk on ideology

Roger L. Simon comments at PJ Media on National Review's Against Trump issue:
When National Review takes up arms against Trump, it is men and women of theory against a man of action. The public, if we are to believe the polls, prefers the action. It's not hard to see why. The theory has failed and become increasingly disconnected from the people. It doesn't go anywhere and hasn't for years. I'm guilty of it too. (Our current president is 150% a man of theory.) Too many people -- left and right -- are drunk on ideology.

That is why, more than any other potential matchup, I would like to see Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders go head-to-head in the coming presidential election. And, although far from a sure thing, this is becoming increasingly likely.

It would be an American epic -- the quintessential business pragmatist against the most extreme ideologue to have run for national office in years ... in a nutshell, capitalism versus socialism. Capitalism is ragged and wild and wooly, like Donald Trump. It changes its mind on a dime. Ideology is secondary. Socialism is a rigid utopian theory that leads to bankruptcy (at best) or mass-murdering Maoist totalitarianism. Ideology is primary.

If the battle of those two men were to occur, the true conflict of our society would be drawn. Trump would prevail and, yes, America would be great again.
Read more here.

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