Saturday, December 19, 2015

Why are Christians letting Muslims slaughter Christians?

Is it because of our moral relativism? Is it because we believe in love and forgiveness? Can't we hate evil? Have we allowed Barack Obama and his supporters to brainwash us in political correctness, while Obama releases billions of dollars to Iranian terrorists who are building nuclear weapons with which to kill us?

I just listened to Brigitte Gabriel, who was a guest on Craig Silverman's radio talk show on 710 KNUS. When she was a little girl in Lebanon her house was burned down by Muslims, because her family was Christian. For a long time she lived in a tiny bomb shelter. Since they had no food, her childhood chore was to gather up dandelions and chickpeas. After debugging the chickpeas, she gave them to her parents and they ate, while being surrounded by snipers. As a little girl she was raped by Muslims in the bomb shelter.

She exclaims sorrowfully, "My past is America's future." Is it? She points out that Christians rarely survive in the Middle East refugee camps. The refugees Obama is bringing to America are Muslims fleeing other Muslims, but they all believe in the same book, which teaches them that Christians and Jews have gone astray and must be killed. The Jews have been nearly wiped out in every Middle East country except Israel. Now it is happening to Christians.

When Brigitte was a little girl in Lebanon, it was only the Jews from Israel who saved the Christians. Now it's the Christians turn to save the Christians in the Middle East. They are being nearly wiped out, just like the Jews were in the Holocaust.

Islam is about war. Christianity is about forgiveness. Are we going off to slaughter at the hands of radical Islamists? Is that what our loving God wants for us? I don't think so. Enough of political correctness! Enough of moral relativism! It is time for Christians to stand up and stop the slaughter of Christians!

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